Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 1 (25), 2014
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Role of the Chief Procurators of the Holy Synod in the renewal of Russian monasticism in the 1860s.
Bezhanidze G.V.1
Labors of the disciples of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky inculcating staretsdom in Russian monasteries already received sufficient sanctification in historiography. However, there remain poorly understood actions of supreme church authority to renewal Russian monasticism. That was one of the most important act of Sinod, undertaken at the initiative of the startsy of the Optina Monastery and st. hierarch Filaret of Moscow in the 1860s, to took steps for disseminate the coenobitic charter in Russian monasteries. Synodal decisions not only approved coenobitic charter as the most appropriate for the monasteries, but also provided the monastic traditions of succession in case of change of the Hegumen. However, for the implementation of the Synod resolutions required the assistance of the Chief Procurators. In this article, the example of the Troitsko-Stefanovsky Ulyanovsky Monastery, the author shows the role of the Chief Procurators in the implementation of resolutions of the Synod on the renewal of Russian monasticism.
Keywords: Russian monasticism, The Chief Procurator, the Troitsko-Stefanovsky Ulyanovsky Monastery, St. hierarch Filaret of Moscow
1Candidate of Theology, Associate Professor. St.Tikhon's Orthodox University. Russia, Moscow, Bakhrushina str., 2/5, 115184.
E-mail: georgy.bezhanidze@gmail.com
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"