Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 3 (27), 2014
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Administrative and exiles "politicians"
in the Komi region in the 1920s
Dobronozhenko G.F.1
Administrative exile as a special component of the punitive system was exercised in the Soviet Russia from 1920s to the early 1950s on persons, who had not committed any crimes, but were identified by the government as ideological adversaries (”enemies”) to the Soviet regime. The author defines the distinct features of two types of political exile: (1) exile (special relocation, deportation) as a means for the government to coerce grouped political adversaries based on class or ethnic attributes and (2) was exile as a sentence for personal identity regarding individuals perceived as “anti-Soviet”, “counter-revolutionary” and “socially dangerous”.
The target of the study is the administrative exile institution of 1920s as a form of repression for personal social status.
The significance of the study is determined by its scientific and educational utility. As other studies mostly focus on the more “harsh” means of repression (special relocations and deportations, prisons, camps, and executions by a firing squad), the history of exile as a means of repression aimed at an individual remains at the fringes of historians’ interest.
The description of the main categories of exiles, as characterized by historians based on the analysis of the legislation and regulations covering the pool of exiles, the categories and types of “crimes” warranting administrative exile, noticeably misrepresents the quantity and structure of the exiled element, signifying the study of exile to certain regions of the country.
The objective of the article is to study one of the most numerous categories of exiles – the “politicals”, consisting of leftist political activists: social democrats, social revolutionaries, anarchists, members of national socialist parties and organizations (including the Zionists), and all opposing the VKP(b).
The addition into scientific circulation of documents from regional OGPU authorities and private sources through the courtesy of the “Political Prisoner’s Relief” organization, allowed the author to form nominal lists and brief biographies for the exiled, and to examine the numbers change dynamics for the main “politicals” categories, their nationalities and age, and the exiles’ relocation sites. As demonstrated, in 1920s, an exile was either a prologue or an epilogue to a concentration camp.
Keywords: extrajudicial political repressions, Soviet exile, Special Council of the OGPU, Political Prisoner’s Relief (“Pompolit”), political ward, the Solovki concentration camp.
1Dr. Sci. (History), Head of the Department of History, Political and Social sciences, Syktyvkar State University, Oktiabr'skii ave., 55, 167001, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation.
E-mail: g_dobronozhenko@mail.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"