Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

Rus / Eng

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 3 (27), 2014


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


International status and interests of Russia

in the Arctic region and the Arctic Council


Mikhailova T.A.1

Mikhailov K.S.2



Environmental situation of our planet is changing. There is a struggle for resources. Russia can’t  be kept aloof from the global trends. Arctic territory is extremely important for Russian economy, and it is difficult to overestimate its significance.

The issues in Arctic territory can be solved due to cooperation of the state and intergovernmental organizations such as Arctic Council, which can have authority to regulate the activities and coordinate subjects of the international law according to the Arctic region treaty among different countries. Possibilities and instruments of Russian interests’ protection in this geopolitically important region are revealed; the Arctic Council is implied as a significant structure as well.

Keywords: Arctic, region, law, interests, protection, resources, international law, international cooperation, environment protection, Arctic Council, national security.


1Associate professor, PhD in Sociology, Balakovo branch of the Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration, Chapaeva str., 107, 413800, Saratov region, Balakovo, Russian Federation.

E-mail: atianami@gmail.com

2Student, Balakovo branch of Saratov State Law Academy, Krasnaia Zvezda str., 8/2, 413800, Saratov region, Balakovo, Russian Federation.




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