Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

Rus / Eng

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 4 (28), 2014


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


The development of the secondary education system in the European North of Russia in 1920s – 1980s:

the dynamics of the number of colleges and the number of students


Matsuk A.M.1



In 1920s – 1980s in the European North of Russia was rapidly developing industry, agriculture, transportation, social services. There were new enterprises of the European and world level, new industry. For successful functioning of enterprises and organizations of the economic and social spheres required staff with the necessary knowledge of the latest technology and machinery. Such workers are prepared mainly in the regions in secondary and higher education institutions. The level of basic schooling (insufficient development of the network of secondary schools) made special secondary education most popular in those years. However, despite the importance of this type of education for the development of the regions of the European North of Russia in the specified time period, the secondary education system in the European North of Russia in 1920s – 1980s as a whole has not been investigated. While there is not even a general idea of the trends in the evolution of this system on the materials of the entire European North of the USSR, not only for the entire period 1920s – 1980s, but for the less volumetric chronological periods. Our article, to a certain extent, solve the problem of investigating the history of the secondary education system in the European North of Russia in 1920s - 1980s.

Keywords: secondary special education, technical colleges, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Karelian ASSR, Komi ASSR, Murmansk region.



1Matsuk Aleksandr Mikhailovich. Candidate of Science (History), Senior Researcher. Institute of Language, Literature and History of Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Kommunisticheskaia str., 26, 167000, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation.

E-mail: almmatsuk@gmail.com




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