Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

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Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 4 (28), 2014


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


About the participle in the Chukchi language


Weinstein Ch.1



The author has collected data on the insufficiently studied topic - participle in the Chukchi language. The variety of material offered to the reader, once again confirms how right V. Bogoras when he wrote: ''The Chukchi language vocabulary is rich and flexible in forms'' (W. Bogoras «Chukchee». New York, 1904-1909. P. 51).

Keywords: participle, Chukchi language, studies.



1Charles Weinstein, French philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, "Agrege de l'Universite", Retraite. France, 2, rue du Fenouilledes 66680 Canohes.

E-mail: charlesw66@free.fr




1. Bogoras. Chukchee mythology. Leiden-New York, 1910-1913. 

2. Arsen'ev. Umkychykukinet l'ovylgyrgyt. Vstrechi v taige. Perevodil Kaio [Umkychykukinet lovylgyrgyt. Meetings in the forest. Translated by Cayo]. Moscow – Leningrad, 1953.

3. Belikov. Lymnylte (Skazki-mify) [Lymnylte (Tales, Myths)]. Magadan, 1979.

4. Veket. Tanoigaikotl'at (Spiashchie na nerpich'ikh shkurakh). Roman [Sleeping on eared seal skins. The novel]. Magadan, 1988.

5. Veket. Tynenny. Roman [Tynenny. The novel]. Anadyr, 2000.

6. Veket. Gatannyr"olen. Prikhod tannyt. Povest' [Gatannyrolen. The arrival of tannyt. Story]. Murgin Nutenut newspaper, 1993.

7. Givytegyn. Pynyltelte. Rasskazy po Maminu-Sibiriaku [Pynyltelte. Stories by Mamin-Siberiak]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1951.

8. Kym"ytvaal. Lyg"oravetl'en lymnylte (Chukotskie skazki-mify) [Lygoravetlen lymnylte (Chukchi tales, myths)]. Magadan, 1987.

9. Leol'y. Skazki i rasskazy [Tales and Stories]. Krainii Sever newspaper.

10. Leont'ev. Ninkei Ovaliaipy. Mal'chik Uelena. Perevodil Kerek [Ninkey Ovalyaypy. Boy Uelena. Translated by Kerek]. Magadan, 1988.

11. O'mruv"e. Chavchyven iaatl'at (Potomki olenevoda). Roman [Chavchyven yaatlat (Descendants of the reindeer breeder). The novel]. Magadan 1983.

12. O’mruv"e. Melgynvyken valy. Nozh na kostre i drugie rasskazy [Melgynvyken shafts. Knife in the fire and other stories].

13. Pananto. Lymnylte. Mify, skazki [Lymnylte. Myths, fairy tales].

14. Pimonenkova. Lyg"oravetl'en gyttap"echgyn. Chukotskaia mudrost'. Poslovitsy [Lygoravetlen gyttap¸chgyn. Chukotka wisdom. proverbs]. Magadan, 1993.

15. Rytgev. Vagyrgyn oravetl'en. Rytkheu. Zhizn' cheloveka  [Vagyrgyn o'ravetlen. Rytkheu. The life of man]. Magadan, 1958.

16. Rytgev. Ia'm r"eve napeliamyk. Rytkheu. Pochemu kity nas ostavili. Legenda [Ia'm reve napelyamyk. Rytkheu. Why do whales have left. Legend]. Magadan, 1983.

17. Rytgev. Sputniki. Rasskaz [Companions. The story]. Leningrad, 1955.

18. Rytgev. Rilti ermevyrkyt renam'ianma. Rytkheu. Kryl'ia krepnut v polete. Roman [Rilti ermevyrkyt renamyanma. Rytkheu. Wings stronger in flight. Novel]. Magadan, 1964.

19. Rytgev. I'rvytgyr. Rytkheu. Beringov Proliv. Rasskazy. Perevodila Tynyl [I'rvytgyr. Rytkheu. Bering Strait. Stories. Translated by Tynyl].

20. Tagryna G. Grepyt. Pesni  [Grepyt. Songs].

21. Tak"akav. Menin ynanarman nuteiikvik. Kto samyi sil'nyi na svete. Skazki  [Mengyin ynanarman nuteyikvik. Who is the strongest in the world. Fairy Tales]. Magadan, 1974.

22. Tak"akav. Neizdannye skazki [Unpublished fairy tales].

23. Toke. Lymnylte. Mify, skazki. Neizdannye [Lymnylte. Myths, fairy tales. Unpublished].

24. Tymnekvyna. 'Eotkoivyette'. Skazki, sobrannye Samiroi Asadovoi u babushki Tymnekvyna v sele Kanchalan ['Eotkoyvyette'. The fairy tales collected by Samira Asadova at the grandmother Tymnekvyna in the village Kanchalan]. Moscow, 2010.

25. Iatgyrgyn. Ninkei nymnymgypy (Mal'chik stoibishcha). Rasskazy [Ninkey nymnymgypy (The boy of the camp of reindeer herders). Stories]. Magadan, 1987.





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