Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

Rus / Eng

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 1 (29), 2015


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


Traditional beliefs and religion of the northern indigenous peoples: information aspects of the problem


Rykova V.V.1


Abstract. The paper presents a brief bibliometric analysis of a documentary flow on the topic "Traditional beliefs and religion of the northern indigenous peoples" selected from the database of SPSTL SB RAS’ own generation "Indigenous Peoples of the North". The article examines character features of temporal, thematic and typical structure of the document flow, which can be regarded as the basis of the research information support to meet needs of scientists and specialists.

Keywords: traditional beliefs, religions, northern indigenous peoples, database, informational support of science


1Rykova Valentina Viktorovna. Senior researcher. State Public Scientific-Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS), Voskhod str.,15, 630200, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

E-mail: bmc_87@mail.ru





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