Voprosy istorii i kul'tury severnykh stran i territorii

Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions

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Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions ¹ 2 (30), 2015


Historical and cultural problems

of northern countries and regions


Scientific articles


About ways of entering by

magazine "Komi Mu" in the process of formation

ethno-cultural space of the Russian North


Oksuz'ian D.V.1


Abstract. Author of this article demonstrate ways of entering of magazine «Komi My» in a process of formation of ethno-cultural space of the Russian North.

Keywords: the jubilee dates, an integration of humane knowledge, forming ecological ethics, the preservation musical legacy of the peoples of the European North of Russia, analytical way to interpretation of information by the readers. 


1Oksuz'ian Denis Vladimirovich. Graduate of the Faculty of History of Syktyvkar State University, tutor-methodologist of the center of vocational education state educational institutions of additional professional education "Komi Republican Institute for Educational Development" (GOUDPO "KRIRO"). Syktyvkar, Russian Federation.

E-mail:  oksuzyan.denis@yandex.ru




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