Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 3 (31), 2015
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Charitable activities of Totma's merchants
in the late XIX - early XX century
Polotskaia O.V.1
Abstract. The article summarized the main directions of the charitable activities of merchants, g. Totma Vologda province at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. The review is based on materials and periodicals collections at the State archive of the Vologda region.
Keywords: charity, Totma merchants, The Tatiana Committee, of the Department of institutions of Empress Maria.
1Polockaja Olga Vladimirovna, master's degree of Vologda state University, Department of Theory and history of culture and Ethnology. Mal'tseva str., 2, 161000, Vologda, Russian Federation.
E-mail: olga-polockaya@yandex.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"