Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 3 (35), 2016
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Northern model of the right-wing radicalism
(cases of the Norwegian right-wing parties and movements)
Rakhmanov A.S.1
Abstract. The article is devoted to the right-wing movements and parties in Europe. It is far-right Progress Party of Norway who gained a lot of public support recently. The study examines evolution of the main right-wing forces of Norway. The key issues of the article are the features which defined the development of right-wing political thought in the country.
Keywords: right-wing radicalism, nationalism, far-right party, party program, party system in Norway, fascism.
1Rakhmanov Aleksei Sergeevich. Master of International Relations of Saint-Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
E-mail: rakhmanov.alex@mail.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"