Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 4 (40), 2017
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Ethno-cultural approach to the study of the vocabulary of the Lamut language
(on the example of the lamut tale "Neltek")
Fedorenkova V.S.1
Abstract. The article discusses the ethno-cultural approach to the study of culturally-marked ethnik vocabulary of Lamut language, has a lot of potential for the formation of linguocultural competence of students. From the even of legend "Neltek" extracted lexical units, which represent thematic groups of words, reflecting the national cultural specificity and related to traditional living conditions, rituals and religion of the Lamuts.
Keywords: Ethnos, ethnik vocabulary, lamut language, linguocultural competence, ethno-cultural approach to the study of language, national and cultural semantics.
1Fedorenkova Valeriia Stepanovna, Assistant Professor of the Department of Altaic Languages, Folklore and Literature of the Institute of the Peoples of the North of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after AI Herzen. Naberezhnaja reki Mojki, 48. 191186, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
E-mail: valeria.141169@mail.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"