Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 1 (45), 2019
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
Symbols of birds in the literature of the Nenets
Zhuleva A.S.1
Abstract. The article is devoted to mythopoetic symbolism in the Nenets literature. The artistic meaning and functions of zoomorphic mythologems associated with the world of birds, zoonyms as narrative elements are revealed, the specifics of the worldview of the northern people become clear. The author considers the aesthetic and cognitive value of myths and folklore for the development of literature.
Keywords: Nenets, Nenets literature, symbolism of birds, myths, mythologems, image, plot, worldview.
1Zhuleva Al'bina Sergeevna. Candidate of Science (Pedagogical), Senior Researcher of Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Povarskaia str., 25а, 121069, Moscow, Russian Federation.
E-mail: aswjas08@rambler.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"