Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions № 3 (47), 2019
Historical and cultural problems
of northern countries and regions
Scientific articles
DOI: 10.19110/1998-619Х-2019-3-6-12
Ethnodisperse group of Komi-Zyryans in Kungur Perm Governorate
at the end of the XIX century (according to the Census of 1897)
Semenov V.A.1
Abstract. In the process of development of the Priuralsky District and the Perm region there are significant movements of the population from one region to another in the context of the economic situation of the population in these regions. It seems that the materials on ethnodemography of Kungur are of considerable historical interest.
Keywords: demography, Komi region, Perm region, main occupations, The Russian Imperial Census of 1897.
1Semenov Viktor Anatolyevich. Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of the Department of history of Russia and foreign countries Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University. Oktiabr'skii ave., 55, 167000, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation.
E-mail: Semenov_45@bk.ru
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"Historical and cultural problems of northern countries and regions"